Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine's Day

Collin had a great Valentine's Day. He actually had three Valentine's Days. Grandma June and Grandpa Larry were here the middle of January and gave him an Elmo CD and Elmo DVD. Grandma Pat and Grandpa Lee were here the beginning of February and he got a couple Elmo DVD's. Then for Valentine's Day with us he got yet another Elmo DVD. He loves Elmo!!!

Never to Young to Start

Bert has been working with Collin on how to hold a baseball bat and swing at the ball. He finds it very funny and loves to play "ball". Bert keeps saying he's never to young to start.

Random Pictures

This is Collin's new smile when Mom says smile for the camera

Very resourceful when it comes to getting our toy of choice

Such an innocent face

Waiting for Daddy to come home from work