Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

Tonight Collin, Bert and I made cookies for Santa. OK...Pillsbury made the cookies for Santa but we put them on the cookie sheet and into the oven. After they cooled, we put them on the plate along with carrots for Santa to give to his reindeer.

Sorry Santa but the cookies may have a few little fingerprints in them :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jingle Bells

Collin received a Christmas card from Grandma Pat and Grandpa Lee that sings Jingle Bells. He just loved it and loves to dance to the music. Now every time we get a new card in the mail and I show it to him, he thinks it's going to sing. It is too cute!!!

Let it snow

On Saturday, Collin and I ventured out into the snow to let Vegas and Gage(our neighbors dog) play. I pulled Collin over on the sled but he doesn't have a sit in his butt so that lasted about 5 minutes. He loved the snow but wouldn't leave his gloves on.....burrrrrr. Hopefully, this weekend we can take him out in the snow again.

His new word of the week is "uh oh"

Fun with the Firetruck

Collin just loves his firetruck with the balls. His new thing is to get in the balls and throw them all out. He also likes to get underneath the firetruck and dump the balls.



Helping decorate the Christmas Tree

I haven't updated the blog in a couple of weeks so these entries date back a little bit. Collin enjoyed helping us decorate the tree and he has left it alone to date. However, last weekend Bert went down to Essex hunting and the tree fell over. I think it was actually my fault it went over but not for sure.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Sign Language

We were giving Collin a bath a couple of nights ago and all of a sudden he started saying something and making motions with his hands. We knew that they were teaching sign language at school but who would have thought he would pick any of it up. Bert went and looked up "more" on the internet as we don't know any sign language and sure enough he was signing "more" and trying to say it. I was absolutely amazed. I guess that is their word of the week they are teaching at daycare. Bert and I will really need to read up on our sign language. I was able to catch it on video last night.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Talking more and more

Tonight Collin surprised both of us. Bert sat down with Collin and started asking him what animal was on the page. Listen to the video as it amazed both of us. However, I think Collin was a little confused when he got to the pig. It is just too funny!! We will definitely be working on pig going forward.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Eating with Utensils

Collin is getting very good at eating with a spoon and fork. The only thing he needs help with is putting the food on the spoon or fork. It is so amazing how quickly he is growing up.

Ranch Man

Collin definitely takes after him mommy as he could eat ranch dressing on everything. He even likes it by the fork full. YUMMY!!!!