Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Singin' & Dancin'

Collin is enjoying being able to stand and hang on to things. He likes to show off his dancing and singing skills. He definitely takes after his mommy!!

Look what I learned to do

Collin is starting to pull himself up and we finally got it on video. Of course, what do you think he was after? Yes...Bert did catch him.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Shampoo Mohawk

Collin definitely enjoys bathtime. His hair is getting long enough for a good shampoo mohawk.

Remote control

When Collin sees the remote control nothing will stop him from getting it. He is getting very fast with the army crawl and has now found the steps.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Future Basketball Player

Collin amazes me everyday. He is getting so good at putting the ball in the basket. I think I may have a future basketball player on my hands :)

Splish, Splash...

Collin got his first pool today. It was finally sunny outside so after the sitters we took a dip. Poor Vegas wanted to join Collin in the pool so badly and found it very unfair that she was told no. She still gets confused at which toys are hers...or does she???

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My friend Will

Will invited Collin over to play in his new pool today. Will lives next door and was born a couple of weeks after Collin. As you can see, they played well together and we are looking forward to many more fun times with Will.


Collin has become quite the chatterbox. I try to decipher what he is saying but can't....can you?

Still not crawling

Collin is still not crawling but seems to have picked up the army crawl rather well.