Monday, March 24, 2008

Visit from the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny came and visited Collin this weekend. He left him a cute Tonka Truck Easter basket with all kinds of fun things. His favorite thing was the toothbrush, which he will be needing very soon. He has four full teeth and we think two more coming through.

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa McClintock

Grandma June and Grandpa Larry came up to visit us this weekend. They had a relaxing time and enjoyed hanging out with Collin. They also got to experience Collin's high energy level and agree we are going to have our hands full when he gets mobile.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Our 1st St. Patrick's Day and we got all decked out in green. We didn't want to get pinched by all the little girls.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chillin' with Elmo

Collin just loves Elmo. He rolls to get him but I don't think he realizes that
Elmo is about as big as he is. He also is a very smart child and if you listen he is following Elmo's instructions :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

22 Pounds and a Shoebox

Collin was having a lot of fun with the shoeboxes on the floor so I thought it would be fun to sit him in one. He absolutely loved it. He is starting to sit up so it was holding him up until.......

22 pounds got the best of the shoebox.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Collin's hair is really starting to grow.
We can even get a baby mohawk out of it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Look what I can do

Well the time has come.......Collin can't be left on the floor unattended. After lots of practice yesterday, we witnessed him rolling himself out the door within seconds.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

" I will get that toy"

I can't believe how fast Collin is doing new things. Starting yesterday, Collin realized that if he rolled on his tummy he could reach the toys that are out of reach while he lays on his back. So Mom decided she would have some fun and put the toys so he couldn't reach them while he was on his back. Poor child, he would get the toy and mom would take it away and put it back to where he couldn't reach it. It was so awesome to watch him. After about 6 or 7 times, he had enough!!!