Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Collin enjoyed trick or treating. On Wednesday, he got to go and visit a few houses and show off his cute costume. Then on Friday, we made the rounds in Essex and Shenandoah. The only thing he didn't like about the costume was the ears. He would not leave those things on. Oh well, he still looked cute without them.

Trick or Treating is definitely hard work!!

Trip to Essex

This past weekend we took a trip to see Grandma June and Grandpa Larry. Bert did some hunting, I did some shopping, and Collin got to hang out with all of his cousins. He had a great time and even started to cry when they had to leave. The weekend couldn't have been more beautiful so we took advantage of getting outside as much as possible.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Race for the Cure

I'm a little slow getting the blog updated but on October 25th Collin and I walked in the Race for the Cure in Des Moines. Collin did very well during our 5K walk. He fell asleep at the start of the race and woke up at the end. I was very thankful since he doesn't have a sit in his butt. We stayed with Josh, Melissa and Olivia all weekend. Collin and Olivia had a good time playing.