Thursday, February 28, 2008


Daddy and Collin definitely enjoy hanging out on the floor together.


We started Collin on fruits the last few days. He definitely prefers the veggies over the fruits. His personality is really starting to come through and he will let you know when he doesn't like something as you will see in the video.

My best friend

Collin has really begun to notice Vegas
and Vegas just loves the attention.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rolling over

Well I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog sight for Collin. I have so enjoyed looking at different blogs of friends and family.

I went to the sitters to pick up Collin yesterday and she asked me if he had rolled from his back to his stomach for us yet. I told her not yet only from his stomach to his back. He has been doing this quite a bit with her. I think he is showing off for all the cute little girls. Before bathtime last night we had some floor time so I could get my camera out and get some pictures...this poor child will probably hate the camera when he gets older as I'm a little camera happy. I was videoing him because he was making a lot of noise and low and behold he decided to roll from his back to his tummy. I was so excited as you will hear in the video. I hope everyone enjoys the blog and I will try and keep it up to date.